Built4People Network
A network of B4P Innovation Cluster (B4PIC)
The European Construction and Sustainable Built Environment Technology Platform (ECTP) and the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), the private partners of the Built4People (B4P) partnership, are initiating a network of clusters related to the built environment, that have common ambitions to increase their interdisciplinarity, their multi-sectoral coverage, and their European outreach.
A B4P Innovation Cluster (B4PIC) is a group of innovation-driven stakeholders, such as local/regional clusters or networks, that ambition to increase their coverage (geographical, cross-sectoral, multidisciplinary), and the sustainability of their innovations in the Built Environment sector.
B4P Innovation Clusters can benefit from support services by the B4P partners[1] : such services include some guidance to increase the clusters’ coverage on the above-mentioned dimensions, dedicated channels and events to share experience, knowledge and resources, and specific support about partnership and funding opportunities.
The 1st call for applications ran from September to December 2023: applications have been processed in January 2024, and exchanges are ongoing with the pre-selected candidates.
In the coming months, the NEBULA partners will jointly elaborate with each cluster a maturity roadmap to define how their organisation can improve its coverage (geographical, multi-sectoral, cross-disciplinary) and access to test beds. This will lead to the signature of a B4PIC Charter.
Our frontrunner Aquitaine-Euskaidi Innovation Cluster
Respectively French and Spanish clusters located in the Basque country, have joined forces to create the first B4PIC! Specialised in the construction sector, both clusters will work towards a better mutual understanding, the consolidation of synergies, the integration of New European Bauhaus concepts, and more cross-border cooperation between their members, with the support of the local innovation ecosystem.
More information to come soon!
Members of the network
Stay tuned!
[1] More precisely, the support to Innovation Clusters is provided by the NEBULA consortium that includes the WorldGBC and ECTP, private members of the B4P partnership.
For more information: visit the NEBULA project page.