Built4People Network

A network of B4P Innovation Cluster (B4PIC)

The Built4People (B4P) partnership launched a new network of innovation clusters to promote sustainable innovation and help hit EU climate targets for Europe’s ageing building stock, which is lagging behind in the green transition.

The B4P public-private partnership between the European Commission and two of Europe’s leading built environment associations (ECTP and WorldGBC) was set up in 2021 to channel around €800 million into research and innovation for the sector.

The B4P Innovation Cluster Network will help the industry to scale up new solutions, products and services aligned with the ambitions of the EU Green Deal and New European Bauhaus.

The set-up of this new B4PIC network is supported by the Nebula project.  B4PIC candidate clusters are supported with a dedicated timeline and step-by-step integration of the B4PIC success factors, helping clusters to reach maturity levels faster.

Our frontrunners 


The first members of the B4PIC Network, Build:INN (Basque Country Construction Cluster),and Odéys (Cluster construction et aménagements durables in Nouvelle-Aquitaine), signed the B4PIC Charter on 18 September 2023, joining forces to create the first B4PIC!

Specialised in the construction sector, the clusters will work towards a better mutual understanding, the consolidation of synergies, the integration of New European Bauhaus concepts, and more cross-border cooperation between their members, with the support of the local innovation ecosystem.

Stay tuned!

For more information: visit the Nebula project page.

Read the information sheet available in various languages

The network is growing!

On Monday 23 September 2024, nine Prospective Built4People Innovation Clusters (B4PICs) signed the Built4People (B4P) Innovation Cluster Charter as part of a dedicated signing ceremony at the Built4People Stakeholder forum, held at the European Convention Center, Luxembourg.

A B4P Innovation Cluster (B4PIC) is a group of innovation-driven stakeholders from the built environment that engage in a tailored development and maturation process nurtured by the B4P Partnership. Through this process, each cluster aims to expand its geographical reach, cross-sector collaboration, and multidisciplinary expertise, ultimately enhancing the sustainability and impact of its members’ innovations.

The nine B4PICs were supported by the Nebula consortium, each demonstrating their further commitment to the B4PIC network by signing the charter. The B4PICs who signed the charter were as follows:

Prospective B4PICs

More clusters from Serbia, France, Italy, Greece, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are scheduled to sign the B4PIC charter by March 2025.

Learn more about the Prospective B4PICs:

Why join the network?

The purpose of the B4PIC Network is to support Innovation Clusters to become B4PICs through establishing innovation ecosystems at multiple scales (local/regional/national).

B4P Innovation Clusters can benefit from support services offered by the B4P partners :such services include guidance to increase the clusters’ coverage on six maturity dimensions, dedicated channels and events to share experience, knowledge and resources, and specific support regarding partnership and funding opportunities.

Built4People Network

The first call for applications took place from September to December 2023, with applications processed in January 2024, leading to the selection and formal application of Emerging and Prospective B4P Innovation Clusters.

Stay tuned for more information about the second round of applications!

For more information, please send an email to: info@built4people.eu