Creating Innovative Networks for a Sustainable Built Environment: Highlights from Nebula’s final Webinar

On 28 January 2025, Nebula’s final webinar, ‘Creating Innovative Networks for a Sustainable Built Environment’, showcased the power of collaboration under the Buil4People (B4P) Partnership.

The webinar’s agenda included:

  • Opening by Karine Laffont-Eloire, Dowel Innovation
  • The relevance of Nebula in our ecosystem and the interlinkage with the Built4People Partnership by Anastasiya Yurchyshyna, ECTP
  • Built4People Innovation Clusters and the New European Bauhaus, a comprehensive approach by Larissa De Rosso, ACE
  • The importance of financial tools by Julie Saccomano, Dowel Innovation
  • Testimonial from B4PIC frontrunners by Noelia Ortiz, BuildINN
  • STAR*track aims and objectives by Lise Raynaud, Nobatek
  • Closing by Karine Laffont-Eloire, Dowel Innovation

The Webinar provided insights into Nebula’s role in supporting Built4People Innovation Clusters (B4PICs) in unlocking new opportunities and fostering cross-border partnerships, promoting peer learning activities and facilitating access to funding.

Tools such as the Metabuilding Platform and the finance toolbox were highlighted which promote knowledge sharing, innovation, funding opportunities and collaboration across Europe. The STAR*Track project aims to continue the work of Nebula and expand the B4PIC Network further to promote sustainable and people-centric innovations within the European built environment.

Don’t forget to sign up for the final Nebula event in Brussels on 6-7 March 2025 to learn more about the projects’ results and lessons learned. Sign up here.

Please watch the full webinar here.