Everything you ever wanted to know on the New European Bauhaus is in NEBULA’s handbook!
NEBULA just published its handbook on the New European Bauhaus, addressed to any person or entity willing to understand the concepts underlying the NEB initiative.
It gives you insights on the origin and what the initiative is about, how to access the community and resources and, most importantly, how you can make your project “NEB by design” and where to get funding to support your NEB project. All of that in the most easily digestible format.
The report is illustrated with plenty of NEB projects examples, organised along the three NEB core values: “Beautiful”, “Sustainable”, “Inclusive”. This facilitates the report’s understanding and will, hopefully, help spark many creative ideas all around Europe!
Do you want to learn more on the New European Bauhaus? Don’t hesitate to also visit the dedicated website managed by the EC, where you can learn even more and get involved in the community.
Stay tuned for the next NEBULA’s activities on the NEB, to come this autumn:
- NEBULA is gathering a network of NEB advisors, to help spread the word and disseminate NEB information to their own networks. If you are interested to learn and share, contact clementine.coujard@dowel.eu
- NEBULA will also organised a series of six peer-learning events, to present NEB projects and expand the NEB principles to communities of practitioners that are not yet informed on the topic. If you foresee a specific need or wish our support to organise a similar event, you can also contact: clementine.coujard@dowel.eu
We’re looking forward to exchange with you on these exciting topics!